Sunday, September 23, 2007

-Untitled- Dramatic Monologue

i knew it....
why did i choose her?
she seemed like a beautiful pick at the time..
everything was right..
i seen love in the future..
what was i to her?
i cant believe that this has happened...somehow again..
i blame no one but god..
he ever so inevitably presented me with the same dilemma that has come about every time i like someone since freshman year..
wouldnt that somehow make it my fault for not going with the obvious?
'whats a crush ta do'
it-is fucked up to have to choose between 2 both of which are amazing candidates to be the next to recieve my full amout of love...
only to have it thrown back into my face simply for being me?
it Isnt fair..that I have such fate that occurs everytime it comes to my personal happYness.
here i am..heart shattered once again, for the simple fact that for some reason god doesnt feel i deserve to be Loved as much as i Loved..
im not one for whining..
but this life isnt worth living if i cant share my happYness with someone whom deserves it..i wake up and live everyday for the people of this world, and i work for what i want..but when it comes to happyness..

Tell me this isnt almost Beautiful..and i'll re-write it...

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