LOVE that song..Love the killers america
way to start with a BANG this week eah!?
so i realized something today that ive Known for a while..just not to the Fullest extent.. im a pretty good ass listener..even when its shit that doesnt concern me or something i could give 2 shits n a rats ass about..i put myself in there shoes and open my mind to there passion. they talk i listen, i input and they feel better at the end of the convo because they feel that they've just educated a youth on 'today'
haha i love rambling.
im gona go on.
i hate females son ;] hahaha
my Whackberry pearl is so cant really handle freezes up alot and gets all laggy n shit..and the battery dies after a little bit of extensive use..but for the avg business type/flashy hipster..the phone is..Suiting. hahaha
so i think i did a good deed this week..with proper possession..
it was a saturday..and i was covering a closing shift because the person had something better to do..and in the beginning of the shit i see my manager eli printing papers...i think i look up to eli. hes bomb and inspires me if i had inspiration... so anyways. im doin something irelevent like writing one of my useless subliminal quotes on the whiteboard in the back. and look at him and he looks at me with this shameful look on his like damn..frilz? hahaha and hes like Yuup..these are all our open boxed items in the store like Daamn! i didnt really know what alot was..but the whole 10-20 second convo we had papers were just printing out n shit. and i was like 'thats no good..' he says 'Nope..but im gona take care of it' im all 'Your the man for it!' those pointless words of encouragement that you blurt just to Maybe help and that was the end of the beginning part..
an hour before close chris comes in and im all 'wtf man..get the hell out were closin n shit' just talkin my shit and hes like 'wheres eli?' and i say more shit that doesnt have anythign to do with..anything (im conscience of my talking in circles america) and hes like dude, hes givin me this laptop for 650 bro. im like ew...shit prolly sux..and hes like Nah man its the 64xx and im like
sean cought wind of what was goin on and found himself one! fucker paid like 4 somethin for it. i was feelin HUNGRY! whew! i was buyin SOMETHIN. and im talkin my shit to jake and hes like bitch..ill sell this tv to you for 350! it was an hp plasma...i was like.........'the fuck outta here' and he was serious.......i thought about it..and i was like nah man hp..and plasma? eh............but for 350 i could suck it up..and sean S says 'well what about the samsung in the service room? same size..400' i lost my marbles..i went back n looked at was NIICE just..plasma...and plasma has its few-big disadvantages so i was iffy..but Suckin it up! for 400 fuck what anybody has to say about plasma..thats a 1600+ i put off on purchasing it until monday because i was an idiot and didnt get the check cashed in time and banks are closed on sundays.
so MONDAY COMES!!!!!! shits goin DOWN son! i take care of business...i go to the bank.
deposit the check.
withdraw enough for the phone
go to cingular..
woow. my bro's bestfriend mitched hooked me up so ill..
i actually felt loved. hahaha ill leave it at that..
so im swimmin on....-cloud 9- n shit and im drivin home playin with my new phone..
and i had to go home to change, then stop at the bank again take out 400 and go to work...........i get home change
and on the way to work........................................................................
idk what happened................
i called my mom
told her to call margie (my oldest bro's wife) and tell her she can buy it..............................................................................................................................................
and then she did!
owell...thats 400 more dollers for my savings........
they love it.
i have a 25$ gift card to jack n the box now.... :]
haha with 15 on it as of today... those ultimate cheeseburgers are NUTS yo..
took me 20 min to eat on this one night...
moving on..
my rough draft to my essay blew chunks..
i read it out loud in class on thursday and half way through i wanted to stop and get to Work. i know i can tell amazing stories... but those Happen..not made..
i mean i have a few blogs that make me feel confident about my 'writing abilities'
but when it comes to being assigned to write......
which is why im not interested in publications for a career..
im not interested in a career at all at the moment..but for a breif period of time it was totally publications..and marketing..and graphic design......and computer IT. but fck it yo. im gona do what i want at the moment.
i like living for now and and when...
i like it
when-when something comes up
so yeah...
what to go on about...
you'd like to know about the lovelife wouldnt you?
prolly not..
thanks. hahaa
so i never realized how happy target makes me..
wtf right? yeah man. i tried not to go tonight for the fact that they'd be closing in an hour..but smiths just didnt have what i was looking for and all the Mexicans were bugging FUCKING many kids..
you can take that how you want america. but the only white people i seen were cashiers. and the black ppl...were.....idk i seen a few..they were out of my way
i get to target with the intentions on just getting some candy... maaan
from 750 to 9...i had a cart with reeses pieces, skittles, gardettos, root beer, fruit snacks, gatorade and 5 string cheeses...thats all under 10 bucks thank you.
i had all that shit picked out in 10 min....
and then wtf did i do for the next hour??? hahaha
one things for sure some lady in there has something against me because i was pushing my cart and you know..running and then jumping on the thing and gliding..because its awesome.
and shes all 'uh, can you Please not do that sir, its not safe' BUT she said in that tone america. dont call me prissy. that tone made me feel 10....hahahaah so i turned the corner and did it again.
she comes around the corner and says 'turning the corner doesnt make it ok!' i yelled 'im not putting anyone in danger!' and walked til the next corner...
end. hahaaa
so bored of readin my shit yet?
i know you are..
but you continue anyways huh..? maybe im just being confident..
maybe you stopped half way through my tv story..haha
owell though..
this is me writing and you reading for what point?
so you can hear about someone elses life instead of yours or your bffe that sweats the small things........ im prolly wrong but hey thats how im writing it. hahaha
my buddy mike told me today that he respects me..
jake was UBER late opening the registers and so i had to hustle to open them before open. and i get a 1/4 of the registers open by like 945 (store opens at 10) and wayne comes up to me and informs that me that he went ahead and opened 1/4 of the registers for me. assuring me that he had my back :)
wayne: wingman 1
Mike..the man is full of old school insight that keeps me interested because i LOVE to hear about shit from a few generations ago...i hate my generation.
not my people..just..this time...shits so corrupted...
so mike tells me where he stands with the 'n word' and how he used to drive a bus (one of his PLENTY occupations) and hearing black kids n white kids under the age of evin 16 call each other that word so freely..
i let him know how i felt about that..'that word is slang now mike, its not evin watered down, its just water. the only (blk) people that take offense to the word that are under a certain age are only taking offense out of ignorance. not all but a good number. theres no way that word can effect anyone the way it did 10+ years ago when people use it in the Smallest of situations' and he said his input and what not and then tells me im a good kid, and that he respects me and has my back and to Tell him if im ever bothered by him..
mike= wingman 2
both are 'old fogies' but still amazing..
work is going..for me. haha going good but damn..shits kinda a hassle..ive actually settled for 60 hours on this check....wth? but damn. i refuse to stress that shit. haha do you know who i am? can you Link the word stress to Danny Ray?
no. haha because i dont give enough of a fuck...
enough about work...
ive been paying peoples bills around the fam this month...wth? i Love helping..but damn when it comes to money america..that Is the future to me..
i see so many people at high age and struggling..i reFUSE to let that happen to me.
i'd rather struggle now and let that shit smoothen out..haha my taste is too expensive to 'want'..
but slowly but surely getting reimbursement..heh im not gona hustle my own peeps! i know they'd help me if i needed fam is elite! haahah 'TRIPP'
hahaha jp..were just as good as the next fam..
thats gona be the 1st tattoo i get..
wana know why?
i think its 'poetic' just not to that extent..hahha
so my adoption isnt a FULL adoption..its adoption/gaurdianship. so my last name doesnt change, and i know my whole fam n all that shit.
through the was always a debate to changing my last name to tripp.......
i feel so bad but..i dont want to..i like Ray...i just to. thats me. and theres already TWO Danny Tripps in the family....
so im not changing my name to tripp........i dont want to..if i ever change'll be Ray..i wont have a middle name but thats ok...selfish..i know.....but i'd also like to start a fam with that last name....kinda my own own 'franchise'...starts with of the tree......
but anyways
whenever the time gona get Tripp tattooed on my body...that way 'ill always be a tripp'
it'll have PLENTY of meaning to me..and im Sure my fam will like it..if not...
fuck it they will...hahaa
this is a long blog...
im finna take a break on that ass because james just called me.
he needs a ride from tbell and i'll have a chicken case-a-dilla waiting for me..haha FOR FREE!
so this casedilla isnt half bad..
the baja blast is ILL.haha so on the way home. -a friend from high school- drunk dialed me...hahha i love it when people do that..haha i normally record it and then call then the next day let them listen...or i myspace it to them...either way..its great..
pretty much the only 'positive' accomplishment of drinking.. i mean yeah drinkings bad blah blah blah..but ive been drunk once
Def. one of the Funnest nights of my life..
..and i drunk dialed someone..and i got SO much off my was beautiful...i mean...not much was accomplished BUT when i woke up the next day...i remembered what i'd said..and the next time i seen that person..things were the same.......hahahahah BUT what was discussed was discussed and we knew where we stood..........
so yeah... i just previewd what i had for this blog.....
thats a good 10..20 min of reading..unless you speed read thru my shit looknig for answers...
im sorry...there isnt much enlightenment in this long drawn out blog..but i just had the urge to -outlet- with no certain intention...
thank you for reading..
sorry for the waste of time (if you made it this far)
i appreciate you :]
and you have a good -life- until next time.....
im so not done writing..its actually a shame that i can write all this..but when time comes to write an essay..i barely get by with little satisfaction..i accept that..haha your cool.
do me a favor....
:Smile like ya mean it:
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