and i know that this one will push me over thr 5k limit..thats taken me bout 3 yrs to reach..haha
so hello my fellow americans..
things have gone Up since the last blog..
yeh...haha that one recieved alot of attn that i knew it would..
idk if anyone understands how much attn that one got. but i will say this
thank you All for caring. i know you do, cuz you know i care about you.
thanks for all the concerned/check up phone calls and txt's! haha
i appreciate you..
im fine. i promise, i was fine then too just not Normal..haha and its ok to show a little weakness right? haha i am right. just not from me. haha i stay strong and keep my head up for a reason..and thats Obviously because it sets an example for folks..everyone from lil children to older adults..they see that Me of all ppl, is one that doesnt let 'Life' get to him. and thats damn amazing for someone at the age of 19..sorry for giving myself cred but fck it. haha i see ppl crumble to some of the same 'problems' that i have..
life goes on!
"everyday above ground, is a good day" i heard that from an asshole one day at work. haha (story) yeah man fuckin..some guy was bein a Total dick! about one of our coups and told me i didnt know shit and damn near called me illiterate..i didnt mind it..words dont hurt me! but what do i do? ill fck with you head if i can..
he didnt break. haha he was goin on while waiting for some shit and i was like must suck huh? and goin on..bein all calm...showing resistance and then Blam! he throws that quote at me..and at the time i was like 0o0 thats beautiful blah blah blah..but you dont look like your having a beautiful day and then he got all intellectual.. anyways
so kanyes cd is so awesome..but now im rappin bout money hoes and rims agaain..haha that was from college drop out! and shit this graduation one...he shows progression..
tmoros gona be a big day...
i actually wrote it out..haha
-Wake up
~bank opens at 9
-cash fin aid check
-make sure everythings iight
-take out 3 and head to cingular (on fuckin..rainbow n spring mtn. Daaamn! haha)
-grab my whackberry! if its 200 plus rebate n what not
~Hopefully be done by noon
~~if home b4 noon.. go home sleep, charge the battery for 6-8 hrs
-then to work 1-7 shift
-somewhere in there do the deal with the tv [42'' plasma, 400] DAMN!
-take my broke ass home
-HOPEFULLY DO MY HW!!!!!! and play with my fone..
thats the Perfect day
but shit does happen today with my check
i had an awesome day with laura :]
so moving on...
this blog has gone dry..its not as interesting as the one 2-3 entries ago was..
so yeah..
off to my pen n pad
that pic actually turned out to be pretty useful.haha
speaking of!
i need to print HELLA pics room could be so much more...meaningful?? just kididn. whe'll see
thanks for sure ill be well over 5100 by nxt entry...haha maybe evin 5050..haha kk
later days my fellow america..
on with your original broadcasted lives
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