im singing my heartout to fckn camisado right now america and through the night i have grown to realiize thaat...
ive actually grown up a little bit in the last year baby!hahaha lets seee...
30 minutes ago
HAHAAHHAHA dont EVIN hate!!! hahahahaa
nah heres something that showed a bit of age
that picture is like one of those obituary pictures n shit..
hahaha 'in memory of' type shit
hhaha but its all good. i hold tha
Now playing: Kid Cudi - Pillow Talk
via FoxyTunest pic pretty high too.
so anyways man...
FUUCK haha so glad i made the decision to drink that night..
new years 1
i was so funny.. haha and its funny because i feel pretty funny sober, but i wont give myself that credit. haha but that video..haha shiit! it never gets old!
idk..i wont be doin that again for a while. prolly not that extreme til september. and thats when i hit 21 haha. TONIGHT! WERE GETTIN FUUCKED UP! but until then..ill keeps it casual n what not..
so anyways. i came into this blog to speak on how ive grown in the last year..
and i dnt really want to talk about it anymore..haha fck me right!
but i will tell ya..
i think after all the bullshit i went thru last year...this year sofar 13 days deep.
ive just realized that... is so cool.
i mean. ive always known it. i feel like a gdamn professional at it..
but last year i really lived. i loved. and i lost.
and now man. im just sitting back waiting for whats next. like i was doing beFore last year. haha so im back on some o7 shit....
look at my slang..its nasty and i should have my mout' washed out with soap.
but i like it..haha i tualk like im from ny a poser i guess. but fuck it.
thats where i want to be! so what if im practicing my slang and accent. be over it! like i am.
so yeh...
ive gone from taking pictures of
too taking pics of
with a little bit of skill
but this isnt a showcase..
maybe i should turn it into one.. haha i shot wellover 10k pictures last year..prolly edited like 5% of that..but thats how it is baby! haha
soo........................................what to talk about? haha
friday: 1-16-09
if ccity doesnt get boughten by an outsider, then they bring the liquidators in and im out a job and out a WHOLE group of folks i consider family...
thats the part that bothers me..
but what can i do yanno? haha we'll see though. anything can happen baby
soo yeh...ive got a fact sheet running that im not sure where to post.
i like keeps me reminded! haha because i forget certain things about me that people already know, but i never remember to be able to tell..
asif that made any sense..
i wish i were an uber public person...
like..a person to interview yanno? haha
im curious as to what i would say in an interview, also what theyd ask..but those are all typical questions depending on the topic..
like this
and SURE he was higher than gas prices in that first one...but was just interesting..
and in the 2nd one..was amazing to ME because...just because! it seemed like a gimmick to be dickheaded and funny..but thats just what he did!
and? haha the end!
not everything needs a point...
so a year ago..this is where i was
thats so fucked...
how things just change. and people fade haha
its cool to see i recognized it though.
asof: 1-13-09. these be my issues
*im broke :)
*i need more money
*i may be jobless really soon
*nobodies hiring because the economy is disgustingly fucked
*im lonely
*im 1500 in debt to amex. but thats ok..
*my tax return isnt what i want it to be
*im lonely
*i want a canon 40d
*my car isnt what it was in 06 and i dont want to pay a million dollers to ma er run that way
*i still dont comPletely consider myself a photographer for some reason
*im starting to feel like a low life. but not there yet
*im lonely
*** and of all of those listed..only a few of them are REAL problems***
i could be dead though right?
so breathing makes all of that irrelevant
deeze nuts biatch :)
im a proud owner of a
for a few months now. and his phone is definitely superior.
and ive a small gathering built around the bb messenger. haha i fckn love that shit..its amazing. idk why..
i want to move to brooklyn, and work in manhatten :/
but my time will come...i had the talk with my mudder a few nights ago..
it sucks because now its out that i wont be going anywhere until theyr gone..and i never EVER want that day to come...
i just dont man..but life is life
and ill be starting a new one if im not satisfied with the nonsense going on out here.
if i could i would pack up and leave right now for 6 months.
grow some homesickness, and be able to really start fresh.
alll i have out here is family..and thats my fault, but alls i Want is a companion..but i wont go into a lonely soliloquy because thats lame and totally not worth typing about right now..
its 230 am and everyone is knocked out but me...
this is nightly for me and its pretty bad..
but interesting.
i use to be able to live inside of my head, and the silence would never get to me.
and my own worst enemy to someone else.
so im into the Darkish photography
i love that shit...haha bigtime fan of that one..
idk give it a grittier description to me..
and im a bigger fan of grit then glam..
but thats just the 'period that im in' hahahaha
dont get me wrong!!!!! im not STUCK in oblivion right now.. just into the feeling and output of it
TOYS!!!!!! haha theyre so sick...if i could get paid to do action scenes with toys..i think i would be into that. haha its different yanno?
sheesh! i make whole stories with them shits!
thats the pic taken by a lifeless prick thats overly sarcastic and barely optimistic. hahahah WOW that was mad gay.
so yeah....
Kid Cudi is pretty.Dope
im thinkin maybe him and the cool kids need to do a collab..haha
both of them are in my january 13th playlist that i made spacifically for this blog..
id hella kick it with all 3 of them suckas.
not take pics though..
fck takin pics of ppl. haha i still do it though..sometimes
haha especially in situations like these..
christmas morning -Circa o8-
we got him a fckn du-rag
HAHAHAHAHHAAH CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then theres the action shots..
thats almost background material...but not
fck i love taking pictures..when i feel it.
sometimes i dont even feel it for a month.
i think im gonna leave my camera at home next time i go to new york...
i seemed too touristy and that wasnt my intention..haha unless i have my 40d..
WHEW! that bitch is a beast!
soo hmm..
it is now 3:25 am
and ive been mad bullshittin :)
haha this is a nightly thing for me..even when i work at 9....
its somewhat of a shame..but i really do have an issue with not seeing the full potential of my time here..
i dont need 8 hrs of sleep..cuz thats just 3 hrs i could have been up to relieve someone of a sleepless night, or someone with an emergency question that only i can answer!!!!!!! hahahaha ok not that extreme..but sometimes it coems in handy being up this late and it doesnt happen often. but folks should always know that im somewhere around..
call me the watcher..haha
or even the godfather..haha jkjk.
i dont want to end this b.loogggyy
i want to provide like an hrs worth of reading material and enlightenment because my last few blogs havent been up to par with what i used to provide, and i learn of certain fans like my maan phil. haha whom looks forward to my blogs..
im not much of a blog reader because theyre just not as interesting or...idk! i just dont care! haha but ive come to learn that i can be a mysterious person at times? or idk! folks are just as curious as i am as to whats going on in my mind..
my scatterbrained way of life is so..................
different! haha it worries me at times because it doesnt seem suitable for todays way of life..but at the same time i kinda love it because it all comes together in one way or another....
sometimes, most of the times it doesnt. but when it comes to helping a fellow peer. im on top of it!
ive done 18 years of watching man, and 2 of living...
i think high school is just a pre-req to life...finish 12 years and then start life. i swear! haha its such bullshit! i mean yeah! thats where the education takes place. but your so not your own person until you dont have the obligations that school provides....
but ill be damned if i support dropping out. fuck that! haha finishing school is a must just because....fck an explanation! it just is bitch! hahhhaha jkjk..
but really. in the last 2 years....i have really experienced life and theres SO much more ahead of ready for it all to be behind me, but at the same time. im good where i am. haha
the cure to growing older?
live in the moment! and not anywhere near the future because that shits more of a mystery then how the hell bush 'ran' this country for 8 years
but im not gonna get philosophical n shit, and that wasnt the cure to growing older...i cant really explain just doing it...staying young.
ill be damned if i dont have bills and drama, and am gona turn around and BE 20...
nah baby. i still geek out to things that make me happy. like
i geek OUT to some jive talk maaan. but im sayin! you just gonna play me the low tip? thats some coold shit fuzz.
HAHAHA wit cho electric boogie ass.
hahaha walk like you got clap!! hahahah
haha speakin of the elctric boogie..
FUUCK!! ahha my heart Beats to the old schooL!
haha but the point of all the nonsense i just posted..
i just wanted to show you guies SOME of the shit that i geek out
cuz times were GOOD baby...i didnt get to experience any of it, but i was still born into it...
ok man....idk if i have more junk to throw you im not gonna fake the funk ;)its now 405 am..
alrighty then my fellow americans..
til next time! which i never know, and neither do you! but its nice when you speak up! haha.
ill keep ya's posted! thanks you for your time annd be safe n stuff. nighty
Now playing: Kid Cudi - Pillow Talk
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: Kid Cudi - Pillow Talk
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: The Aquabats - super rad
via FoxyTunes
Now playing: The Aquabats - my skateboard
via FoxyTunes
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