ahh..so im laying here..next to my dog..whom is snoring. i wish i were in her state of mind..zZz anyways..im presented with another confusion process..i think im starting to have feelings for this person again..and im not gona go into that because i have a thing for doin that..feeding my ppl a grape and keeping the rest of the bag to myself..and not eating any.there i go again..speaking metaphorically. anyways..tomoro is monday america..the start of another week. will anything interesting happen? who knows! thats my life..no plans just do whatever comes 1st..although i do actually have plans for wednesday night thru thursday night..2 different events..yeh thats anotha subj. moving on..i want a female america. im tired of just 'playing around' yi know? its actually old..i dont enjoy it as much anymore..O SHIT!!!!!! when i say playing around i mean with female friends not with myself. eff that. anyways yeah.
i'd say its time Dan-O got some lovin..
(3rd person) he has a person or 2 in mind, that he wouldnt mind some lovin from..but prolly aint gona get any in a million(end of 3rd person) i sounded like a dog there..<-7/10/06- i dun like anyone at the moment..but VERY hott ppl work at hco.. =]]
so yeah..i got hired at hollister co. part time impact..7 an hr. ppl are taking it a little bit more seriously then me..im just doin it so i have at least a little income ya know? its been almost a whole year since dominos..and imm runnin out america..ill admit. im down to my last 2. and its time for a new phone. haha so yeah. moneys money fool. and this job doesnt require standing in the sun for..all day. haha gota love it..so i just noticed..im in a total different state of mind right now. im not really "me" like i can snap outa it, and be finished typing but then
ill return to my sleepless night over thoughts about a person. IM SOOOOO THRU! but im not really. what can i say..its xxxx<--bad 4 letter word.<-re-edit-7/10/06- haha anyways
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......401! haha its only been 10 minutes..its that nonsense that makes me..
love life. haha i really do love life i just dont like that word..haha yeh
so i wonder if anybody will actually read this..this one has a few interesting points that i kept on the d/l but left easily coded to be cracked..maybe the right person will get it and life can take a sudden turn and i. ok yeah. uh..
HEAD FOR THE HEELS, THE KITCHENS ON FIRE! haha i dig motion city soundtrack..took 3 years of knowing who they are to kick in..but hey, im a fan right? hah..yeh..i wasted my time typing this huh? haha its all good. my business is out there for the public..not something i do OFTEN ya know? im giving to the community..the ones that wonder "what the hell does he think" haha man, when ppl ask me that..theres just no way i could ever begin to start..my mind is so....i dont know! haha its not normal though..i think ive figured out the normal mind..and normal varies on the type of person..ok here i go gettin all psychological.....O DANG! maybe i should be a psychologist..or maybe not.
406 and im leaving with these words of wisdom..........................i dont have any at the moment america.. but dont worry. i'll have some in a few hrs.
if you actually read all of this...wow..your efing awesome. your a true buddy and you truely are bored and maybe you should get a life? just playin! you can be lifeless with me! haha l8